Your club’s journey to a more sustainable future for everyone
"The New Zealand SailGP Team is a proud partner of the Yachting New Zealand Clean Club Programme. We believe in the power of using our sport for good, and we encourage sailing clubs in Aotearoa to join the #RacefortheFuture by signing up to the Clean Club programme. The most important step you can take on the sustainability journey is the first one".
"Sailors for the Sea Powered by Oceana is proud to support Yachting New Zealand to develop the Clean Club initiative. Sailing clubs in New Zealand have the opportunity to join the Clean Club programme and take the lead for clubs around the world to commit to running their day-to-day activities with the environment in mind. Lessons learnt from Yachting New Zealand Clean Clubs and shared with Sailors for Sea will help pave the way for the program to be accessible for clubs worldwide".
The ocean is more than just our playground, it is part of who we are. And we should be looking after it a lot better than we are now.
You might not think there’s a lot you can do, but we all have a part to play. What we say and do matters.
That’s why Yachting New Zealand have worked with clubs to develop the Clean Club programme as a way for you and your yachting or boating club to take action to not only protect but also enhance the coastlines, oceans and waterways around us.
Yachting New Zealand have partnered with the New Zealand SailGP Team and they will share their knowledge with Yachting New Zealand’s 108 member clubs as part of this collaboration.
The programme has also been co-developed by Sailors for the Sea, recognised as the world’s leading ocean conservation organisation for sailors, and is believed to be the first of its kind in the world.
Like the environment, we see the Clean Club programme evolving. We’re just at the start of this journey, so expect there will be a few changes along the way. We’re all in this together so we’d also welcome your ideas and innovations.
Sometimes getting started is the hardest part, which is why we’ve come up with easy-to-follow guidelines on how to become a Clean Club and three different levels of achievement as recognition of your efforts.
To have a healthy future, we must have a healthy ocean. We have to act now.

Clubs are recognised as a one, two or three star Clean Club based on the number of achievements

1 Star
13 criteria met

2 Stars
21 criteria met
3 Stars
30 criteria met

The Clean Club programme is a framework yachting and boating clubs can adopt to begin or further advance their sustainability journey in five focus areas: Administration & Leadership, Waste Management, Resource Conservation, Community Outreach, and Education.
The Clean Club programme is a progressive system moving from one star through to three stars, depending on how many best-practice criteria a club has achieved.
There are four simple steps to becoming Clean Club certified.

1. Register your club
Click here to register your club. Let us know which level you are currently aiming to achieve and we look forward to welcoming you to our growing community and adding you to our list of Clean Clubs.

2. Set up your team
 Select the criteria that suit your club. Use the Clean Club best practice criteria to help you map your journey. You can find the best practice criteria listed here or in word format at the top of the Resources page here.
Put together a team of people at your club  to help you work towards achieving your goals.

3. Document the journey
Be sure to take a few notes and photos along the way to record your efforts.
Let your members and Yachting New Zealand know about your sustainability efforts as you progress and highlight them on your club website, social media channels and in email communications.

4. Get recognised
Submit a short report with images once you have successfully ticked off your achievements.
You will receive official Clean Club certification in recognition of your club's efforts and successes, along with a digital badge that can be used on club material. You'll also be recognition on the Clean Club website.

Two star

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: 3 Star

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: 3 Star

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Two Star Clean Club

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: Two star

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

One Star

On the journey

On the journey

On the journey

1 Star

On the journey

Current Clean Club Status: On the journey

On the journey

One Star

On the journey

On the journey
Fill  out the following form to register your club. Make sure to let us know which level you are currently aiming to achieve (one, two or three stars). We look forward to welcoming you to our growing community of Yachting New Zealand Clean Clubs.